SQL plot


For quickly processing benchmark data, I wrote a rather complex bash script that allows querying data from a SQLite database to create gnuplot graphics (2D, 3D and histograms). In retrospect, this could probably better have become a Python program, but at that time, I was learning Bash and was experienced with SQL after several years of a student job programming Oracle.


A quick example: The benchmark was executed for a range of array sizes and a range of loading processes, each for reading and writing. It issued minimum, maximum and average values for array element access times. It ran for a full weekend and created 6400 files. A script processed the output files and created SQL insert statements, that are directly piped to sqlite3 to create a database file (run time: approx. 1 minute). Using sqlplot.sh, the session went approximately as follows:

$ sqlplot.sh data.db
Welcome to sqlplot 0.9 (14.6.2013)
Print help to get list of commands
sqlplot> desc data
         load_method CHAR(2),
         load_range INTEGER,
         isol_method CHAR( 2),
         isol_range INTEGER,
         min NUMBER,
         avg NUMBER,
         max NUMBER);

> select load_method||'-'||isol_method, load_range, isol_range, max from data order by 1,2,3
load_method||'-'||isol_method  load_range  isol_range  max       
-----------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
r-r                            1024        1024        220       
r-r                            1024        4096        200       
r-r                            1024        16384       200       
r-r                            1024        32768       220       
r-r                            1024        65536       176       
r-r                            1024        131072      200       
r-r                            1024        262144      268       
r-r                            1024        524288      180       
r-r                            1024        1048576     204       
r-r                            1024        2097152     288       
rw-rw                          536870912   536870912   1213684   
> splot

The command splot creates a 3D plot. It uses the three rightmost columns as x, y and z values. Additional columns are used as keys for different data sets (here: 'r-r' etc.). The resulting picture looked like this:


Some further tweaking gnuplot's settings:

> set logscale xyz 2
> set ticslevel 0
> set xlabel 'load'
> set ylabel 'benchmark size'
> set title 'max latency'
> log2tics x 1024 4 536870912
> log2tics y 1024 4 536870912
> splot
> splot max.svg

The last line stores a SVG image that can easily be converted to PDF, e.g. using Inkscape. (I favored SVG over PDF export, because when I wrote sqlplot, the SVG export of gnuplot was much nicer than its PDF generation capabilities.)



The output of the help command:

help [xxx] - help [topic xxx] 
exit       - quit program
desc       - list of tables or table description
select ... - SQL select statement
set ...    - set gnuplot options
unset ...  - remove gnuplot setting
show       - show current gnuplot settings
reset      - remove all gnuplot settings
plot       - xy plot of last query
hist       - histogram (bar plot) of last query
splot      - 3d plot of last query
load       - load *.sp script


current version: sqlplot.sh
