C Makefile

Example Makefile:

MAIN=$(sh egrep -l '\<main\>.*\(' *.c)
CFILES=$(filter-out $(MAIN), $(sh ls *.c))
OBJS=$(MAIN:.c=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o)


$(EXEC) : $(OBJS)
    $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDLIBS)
  • The variable MAIN is populated with egrep searching for a file that contains the string main (not the most stable algorithm...)
  • CFILES are all other files with the file extension .c.
  • OBJS are all C-files (from MAIN and CFILES) with the extension .c replaced with .o.
  • EXEC will become the name of the executable. You can change this according to your preference.
  • Conventional variables used by the standard rules: CC is the name of the C compiler, CFLAGS are given for compiling, LDFLAGS are given for linking and LDLIBS are libraries that need to be linked.
  • The first rule is the default when make is invoked without parameters. To avoid confusion and accidental overwriting, a striking DEFAULT-target is used that just tells make to build the executable.
  • The only rule is given to link the executable EXEC from all object files.
  • For the object files, we don't need to give a rule because make has standard rules for such common tasks.
  • The variables CC, CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, and LDLIBS are also used by built-in rules from GNU make (gmake) that can be analyzed by make -p.
